Monday, November 28, 2011

The end of the Beginning.

What a weekend! So much to think about! I went to Thanksgiving with the beautiful Thorson family, who by the way, I am very thankful for! I got sick at my first/only day of work...oops! I guess that wasn't meant to be! And lastly, I visited the Lovely Sarah James in Eau Claire, WI! It was so fun to visit her city and see the beautiful downtown! Her sister, Hanna, also gave me a free haircut! God blesses us in the smallest little ways!
We have a lot of work to do, and have been working hard as the semester ends! It is so crazy to think that I will be home visiting friends and family and worshiping at First Christian again for a few weeks! I can not believe that almost one semester of college is done! I have learned so much and grown so much closer to my Heavenly Father! He is doing amazing things in my heart, and I could not feel more blessed, loved, or passionate about what He will continue to do! I can't imagine something better than this, but I know God has great plans for greater things!

You are all such a blessing, and I can not believe that soon I will be home with most of you, even if for a short while! Seeing your faces will be such a blessing! I am praying for wisdom, healing, and happiness for each of you, and that the Lord would show you his will! Love you!

Sunday, November 20, 2011


I am employed temporarily at American Eagle! Such a blessing! In fact, so much of a blessing that it has created a dilemma! Either way, I am thankful for the opportunity to at least have a temporary job! This is actually the first time I have gone through a hiring experience. I know that I have this job through God's blessings!

Its like another planet.

I woke up this morning in my "new" city to find it covered in a thin sheet of snow! It looks completely different! Its amazing, the artistry that our God can create! I feel like I live in a whole new place! It is absolutely beautiful! The snow shimmering on the ground, and each tree both green and bare with a thin highlight of white. It is like a dream!
...Well it is a dream, until your nose is so cold that it turns pink, and starts to hurt! Or your California boots aren't made for walking when it comes to snow! Or, you realize that driving in snow becomes a whole new adventure! Or the walk to the lightrail seems longer than it did last time!...The funniest thing, is today at least, I enjoyed every part of it! God has the greatest ideas!

Today was also a blessing in that I have two..TWO... interviews for jobs! One tomorrow morning for American Eagle at the Mall of America, and the other for Urban Outfitters at the Mall of A. I am a bit nervous, but know it is all in God's hands and if it is meant to be, he will work in the situation to make sure it happens! Today was such a blessing!

Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all of your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will make your path straight! Proverbs 3:5-6 :)

I continue to pray for you all each and every day! Thank you for being such beautiful people! You are all such a blessing!

Love, Hayli

Saturday, November 5, 2011

God always opens that other door!

While going to the DR of Congo seemed amazing, it was not what the Lord wanted or needed me to do at this point in my life. As an intercultural studies student, I am learning a lot about the different places and the amazing cultures that are alive in this world. I love learning how to pray for them! I have also been praying for an opportunity of some sort that God will bring to experience another culture.
Today, I got a phone call from Wycliffe Associates. They need a volunteer to help with childcare in Mexico during Thanksgiving break, and they have asked me! The money that I have from Wycliffe Associates is enough to cover the trip! I was so afraid that God would leave the gifts that friends gave to a ministry would not be used. But, he has another plan that fits right into his plans for me here at North Central! God is widening my world as he widens my faith one step at a time!
I am praying for you all and hope that God showers you with grace and blessings! Thank you for reading and for your prayers and support. Our God is an amazing God! There is no one or nothing like him and no plans are better than his!

Be Blessed!
Love, Hayli