Saturday, November 5, 2011

God always opens that other door!

While going to the DR of Congo seemed amazing, it was not what the Lord wanted or needed me to do at this point in my life. As an intercultural studies student, I am learning a lot about the different places and the amazing cultures that are alive in this world. I love learning how to pray for them! I have also been praying for an opportunity of some sort that God will bring to experience another culture.
Today, I got a phone call from Wycliffe Associates. They need a volunteer to help with childcare in Mexico during Thanksgiving break, and they have asked me! The money that I have from Wycliffe Associates is enough to cover the trip! I was so afraid that God would leave the gifts that friends gave to a ministry would not be used. But, he has another plan that fits right into his plans for me here at North Central! God is widening my world as he widens my faith one step at a time!
I am praying for you all and hope that God showers you with grace and blessings! Thank you for reading and for your prayers and support. Our God is an amazing God! There is no one or nothing like him and no plans are better than his!

Be Blessed!
Love, Hayli

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